These reports, videos and infographics can help us create a reliable grid so all families have access to resources—from high-quality learning opportunities to essential health care services.

THE IMPORTANCE OF CHILDHOOD SCREENINGS: Improving access to early identification, referrals, and linkages to services

Because I’m Learning Now, I’ll Be Ready for Kindergarten Later

A Concord Dad’s Pre-K Story

Pre-K Helps Kids Start School Ready to Learn: Teachers from Beebe, Arkansas

What do our littlest learners need to be school-ready?

Because of You, I Can Reach My Full Potential

Because I Don’t Miss School, I Can Keep Up

Businesses Value the Importance of Pre-K in Bentonville

Partners in Education: A Dual Capacity Building Framework for Family-School Partnerships

Read to Learn: The Importance of Reading by the End of Third Grade

Reducing Chronic Absenteeism in Arkansas Schools