Uncovering the Impact of the Early Development Instrument
When building a house it is best to start with a strong foundation. This applies to early brain development as well. The brain develops faster in a child’s first three years than any other time in life, laying the bricks and mortar of future learning and success. A...
An E8 Community Convo: Michelle Puckett in Independence County
As Michelle Puckett, Batesville Preschool director, has witnessed firsthand, early care and education set the stage for children’s long-term cognitive development, school achievement, and overall success. Today, she combines this real-world knowledge and decade of...
On the Ground with E8: Kaila Parker in Conway County
It’s often said the most meaningful change starts locally. At Excel by Eight (E8), we know that to be true. That’s why we are partnering with communities across the state to help all Arkansas children thrive. In Conway County, an E8 Community, parents, educators,...
Strengthening the Grid Starts with Us
With COVID-19 cases on the rise and sometimes conflicting health guidance, many Arkansans are rightfully concerned about exposing loved ones to potential germs. As a result, some families are postponing, or skipping altogether, critical health care visits. Since...
Strengthen the Grid, Build Our Future
The following post was originally written by Angela Duran as an op-ed in Arkansas Business and published Monday, October 26, 2020. The original article can be found here. How can we help equip our children, the future Arkansas workforce, with the skills to succeed in...
Early Steps to School Success Launched in Arkansas
With support from the Division of Child Care and Early Childhood Education at the Department of Human Services, Save the Children launched a new home visiting program in 2019 called Early Steps to School Success. Early Steps focuses on the five years before a child...
New Legislative Caucus Formed to Address Child Wellbeing
In 2020, Arkansas legislators formed the Early Childhood Wellbeing Caucus to inform state lawmakers about ongoing issues and establish a legislative agenda for the Arkansas General Assembly. The caucus is co-chaired by Senator Trent Garner, a Republican, and...
SafeCare Expands Statewide
In 2018, the Division of Children and Family Services at the Department of Human Services and the Arkansas Home Visiting Network launched SafeCare. In addition to improving risk and safety assessment and management, this program is designed to protect children in...
Arkansas Makes Steps Toward Paying for Developmental Screenings
Arkansas is one of only five states that does not reimburse health care providers for developmental or autism screenings through Medicaid. As a result, many infants and toddlers miss out on needed services. In a significant step forward, the Department of Human...
Increasing Child Care Quality Through Higher Education
In 2019, the Arkansas Early Childhood Association launched T.E.A.C.H., the Teacher Education and Compensation Helps Early Childhood ® Scholarship Program. Through T.E.A.C.H., early childhood educators receive scholarships and paid time off to take classes to obtain...